Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Arthur Kade is a rather obnoxious blogger who recently quit a job in the finance sector to pursue his dream of acting and exaggerating. Gawker has mocked him a couple times. 

Arthur Kade's real name is Arthur Kadyshes. I went to elementary and middle school with him. We also worked at the same telemarketing company for a while. Needless to say, I'm not surprised that this is how old Arthur turned out.  Please be sure to read the comments on his posts.


Bridie said...

"I am an extremely motivated and passionate person who trys to excel at everything that I do."

He certainly tries to excel at spelling.

BBQ X-Mas said...

His "Check Out These Sites" section points the reader to such hidden gems, as the NBA, ESPN, and Sports Illustrated. I've heard of the magazine, but they have a website?! Amazing.