Friday, February 29, 2008

Vice Guide To Travel - Congo



Rian said...

i netflixed the vice guide to travel a few weeks ago on mearns's suggestion. some of it is kinda crazy. i'm thinking specifically of the nuclear arms dealer and the pakistani gun market. david choe's bit (this one) is pretty entertaining but seems kind of half-assed.

Drum said...

really? i thought this was the only good one (actually the pakistani one was good too) but the rest were totally half assed. most of the footage is of them TALKING about the footage because they didn't get enough actual footage.

Rian said...

actually yeah, most of them are pretty half-assed, but choe doesn't even do what he sets out to do - he gets drunk and goes home. it's like he didn't prepare at all. maybe that's the point?